Partners and Friends,

We are so thankful for what the Lord has helped us to accomplish in Nairobi, Kenya at our last crusade. God exceeded our expectations! We had the privilege to minister to over 150,000 people while we were there with over 42,000 salvations! Pastor Randy went into 17 different public schools and 3 orphanages ministering the Gospel. He also held 2 children crusades at the crusade site ministering to 26,000 people including youth and children. There were 10s of thousands of decisions for Christ at those crusades alone. We also had the privilege of ministering to over 800 pastors and leaders while we were there. Partners and Friends, thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. Again, we could not do this without you. Together we are making a difference in our world today.

We are so excited about our upcoming crusade to Kampala, Uganda coming up and we are expectant that God is going to again move in a mighty way while we are there. There will be 7 days of both day and evening sessions and we will be doing live tv every single night. The livestream will touch the entire nation of Uganda as well as 15 additional nations! We are expected to touch at least 250,000 people in front of us with the Gospel while we are there and 10s of millions of additional people via tv and radio.

Partners, would you be praying for us for a mighty harvest of souls? Thank you to all those that support this mission in prayer, fasting, giving, and service. We will keep you updated while we are in Uganda to give you reports of all God will be doing with us and through us. God bless you.

For Souls,

Peter Doseck Ministries